(Karn’s portrait has been modified to remove his oversized peach lips.)
Optional addenda: Double your XP and zenny rewards, and/or change the menu icons to use text. Hold the Cancel Button (Default: B Button) to dash. Please bear that in mind! This is under “Hacks” and not “Translations” for a reason.) (Note: This is a rewrite, not a retranslation. Yet a far more sinister force is lurking in the shadows… See yourself born as a legend in Breath of Fire: War of the Goddess. It’s up to you to inherit the Power of the Light Dragon, and put an end to the evil Emperor’s conquest. The soundtrack was done by editing it in via Vegas Pro because.well, I didn't know MSU-1 existed, lol.The flames of war wreak havoc upon your village. Here's the playthrough I made if anyone's curious. A full FMV in Link to the Past? That's nuts! I love it! It does exactly what I've always wanted to do: Give older games a glow-up with new soundtracks and assets. I do C# for a living so I'm no stranger to coding, but there's so much you take for granted in higher-level languages that just isn't present in assembly languages. I'm currently trying to get a grasp on SNES assembly. Thanks for pointing this place out to me. I am decent in photoshop as well and make boxarts for SNES/SFC Genesis/MD, and NES/Famicom all the time. I would like to learn so that I can contribute. I worked with C++ and did work in Fortran. I have done a little bit of programming but that was years ago though. When I was getting my Bachelors I got my minor in Computer Science. I love what you guys are doing here! I would like to see MSU-1 be all that it can be. I would like to contribute what I can to this site.
Awesome stuff man! I’m new here but I check the forums.
I think everyone in here needs to listen to the music you added in on your Breath of Fire 2 play through on YouTube. I was the one that messaged you on YouTube. Hey Kaiser glad you found your way over here. Yesterday, I discovered that BOF2 has a built-in debug mode with a map viewer that helpfully displays each map ID. Last edited by Cubear on Mon - 0:39 edited 1 time in total I do plan on upgrading this at some point to a patch with SPC fallback, I just had set my deadline of a beta launch by this weekend, so I went with a hardmute which happens to be much easier. RPGs are a big project and this is probably going to take a long time for a final, playable release. Patch v0.01 (hardmute with MSU-1 support)Īnd of course, if anybody finds the time to find some manner of arranged version of the songs and convert them to PCM etc, I would be grateful as well. Track Map (please error check my work and contribute missing tracks) Unfortunately it's a hardmute for now, which isn't terribly useful for track identification, but I THINK I got most of them laid out and you can contribute by identifying the currently playing track in ram at